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Easy Instructions to Change Violin Strings

Dhanashree Patane
How to change violin strings can be a task for many when it comes to grooming the violin. With the strings being the most important, setting them right needs to be done carefully. We have compiled some easy instructions to change its strings in this write-up.
Violins are the love of many, and the strings give them the sweet sound of music. For most artists, playing the violin is easier than changing or mending its strings. Maintenance is something that cannot be avoided, and when it is the strings, the source of the sound, one cannot take it too lightly.
Violin strings are bound to get damaged, and there are many reasons for the same. The strings get old in time, due to the wear and tear. This makes them produce poor quality of music, and that is how, the string hints at being replaced. A broken or damaged string too needs replacement.
The strings of the violin have a limited life, and how often to change them will depend on the quality which determines the strength and the durability of the string, amount of time that the violin is played (usage), and the type of music too can cause the strings to give up. Now comes the real task, changing the strings.
Sure you can take it to a local store and get it fixed, but if you think this task is only for mechanical experts, get off this thought. Changing and replacing violin strings is a simple task that does not require you to run for external help. You can try these easy steps on how to change strings of the violin mentioned in the following segment of the story.

How to Change the Strings on a Violin

Changing or replacing the strings is a primary part of repairing a violin. A simple and basic rule is, to change the strings one by one, in case you're changing all the strings on a violin. A very simple reasoning for this, # one - there is a risk of the fingerboard or the soundpost to collapse.
Number two - it is easier to recall which string was removed and needs to be replaced. Following an order to replace the strings is also advised by experts, starting from 'G' following up to 'E'. Now let's understand the procedure:
  • First twist the tuning peg (a tuning peg is on the opposite end of the bridge) of the string that needs to be replaced, this should be done in the direction that loosens it. So that this will unwind it completely, to help you pull out the string.
  • In case of a fine tuner, get the ball end and twist the peg, to remove the string. In case of no tuner, simply remove it through the hole.
  • Take the new string and twist it, like bend it a little at the opposite end of the ball. This gives you more scope for grip when you pull the string through the hole.
  • Insert this end through the peg hole, now the peg hole should be just a little inside the peg box. This helps to firmly wind the string through the peg.
  • Once inside, start winding the peg, while doing this, keep the tip of your finger on the peg hole, so that the string does not slip out. Continue to wind the peg till it is tuned perfectly and firmly.
  • Now slip the ball end of the string in the hole on the bridge of the violin.
  • Check the tuning again until you get the desired strength. Check the pitch and the sound it delivers and adjust the tension accordingly.
  • Now repeat the same for all the other strings, one by one. Remember to keep a check on the placement of the bridge, it should not be bulging in to touch the finger board, due to the tension of the strings. Level the bridge out by slightly pulling it upwards.
So there you go, a perfect piece of music, with strings tuned in simple steps. It is important to patiently change the strings to get them fixed well and perfectly tuned. So get going with these easy solutions on how to change violin strings. Changing strings on the violin will be as easy as enjoying the music they deliver!