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Homemade Percussion Instruments

Sheetal Mandora
Homemade percussion instruments fall under unusual musical instruments where objects are used to make rhythmic, offbeat music. Here's an story on how you can make percussion instruments at home...
While making percussion instruments, don't make the mistake of thinking that size matters. Big objects don't necessarily make the loudest noise. In fact, it is believed that bigger the objects, lesser the noise will be. The whole idea behind inventing your own instruments is to bring your innermost creativity out.
When to take two or more objects, you have the option to bang them with each other, shake them, rub, and even scrape them with one another to make melodious music. Now whether you consider that music melodious or not is up to you, but the experience is definitely going to be firsthand.
Some of the most famous instruments which can be used are wind chimes, different types of drums, piano, hand bells, tom toms, cymbals, wooden blocks etc,. But these musical instruments won't be considered as homemade because... well you can purchase them from a music store. So, what makes up for these instruments? Read the rest of the article to find out.
To make these instruments, you don't need to purchase any special items. All you have to do is look around your house, browse through the kitchen cabinets and collect various objects. You can either mix and match objects that resonate melodious rhythm or take more than 2 to 3 objects of the same item.
This way, the sound emerging from these objects will be unique and harmonious.
  • It may seem unusual to some, but pots and pans make for great homemade drums. Surely there must be various sizes of pots and pans in the kitchen, and this is how you take advantage of them. Place them upside down on the floor, slightly away from one another and get couple of wooden spoons to use as drumsticks.
  • You must have empty food cans at home. Save as many empty, cylindrical cans as you can and clean them thoroughly. We can use these cans as our instruments. Make sure the lid is off and the edges at the top are not sharp.
  • Empty cardboard boxes can work their magic too. If you don't have the packing boxes on hand at the moment, you can use the boxes which appliances came in (I hope you store them for a rainy day). Gather different sized boxes and place them in a circle. Sit in the middle of the circle and use spoons, ladles, small pipes, or any other items to hit them with.
  • I'm sure that you will be knowing this instrument very well. Using glass bowls or drinking glasses to make music with. You can fill each of the glasses or bowls with water, varying the exact quantity in each, and with a small spoon,
hit them gently. Here, each of the glasses or bowls will give out different chiming kind of sound. Fill more or remove water from the glasses or bowls to see if the melody alters or not.
  • Plastic jars are also a wonderful idea for making percussion instruments. You can fill two plastic jars with cereal, candies, oatmeal, or even beans and place the lids on. Shaking the plastic jars to make your own unique sound can't be beaten. Remember Steve Martin in the movie Pink Panther 2? Even he tried to do a little dance and song with the cereal jar.
  • And finally, different sizes and shapes of plastic buckets are perfect for making the instruments at home. Kids, and even some adults love playing drums with plastic buckets. Take couple of wooden spoons or sticks and start your own band, if you like (wink).
While making these instruments, all you have to keep in mind is that the sky's your limit. Look at different objects from a musical point of view and you will find their use as well. While making different percussion instruments for children or adults, you need to get familiar with their sounds.
Every instrument, in this case objects found right in your home, has its own unique sound and combining one with the other has to be mastered. Repetition of sounds, meaning hitting the same notes over and over, will bring forth the music and enhance the melody.
Frankly, I feel that percussion instrument made at home bring out a creative side of people as it not only takes patience to produce music with them, but it also tends to be challenging.