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The Influence of Modern Music on the Brain

Starting this topic, you always want to understand what we mean by modern music? Modern music is not at all like the music of previous centuries.
Alex Mars
Not only music has changed, but the very concept of it, as a result, has led to ambiguity in its definitions. For example, among professional musicians, modern is called academic music created in recent decades. And outside of this environment, contemporary music is considered to be absolutely different music, the opposite of this one.
There is even a direct contrast “classical music - modern music”, where the place of the classics is occupied by composers of bygone eras, and modernity is associated exclusively with various youth trends.
Starting another conversation about music, you always run the risk of repeating what has already been said. In fact, you don’t have to talk much about music, you have to listen to it. Today our life is arranged so that you can listen to it wherever you were.
Go to TakeTones.com and download whatever you like, but remember that any music influences our brain. How exactly it affects we will tell you later in this story.
The goosebumps

Music is a combination of many different components that are processed by various brain structures: there is no one specific area for perceiving and evaluating music in the brain. 
Music can be used for different purposes of your body. It can be listened to for entertainment, creating a certain mood, improving well-being, for some, music is a tool for quick concentration, and for someone it helps to throw all the negativity and bad mood away from you.
Compositions of various genres affect the brain in different ways, so you always need to correctly approach the choice of music.
Other zones, not the brain, are responsible for the emotions from listening to music.
Everyone had the same feeling when you listen to music and then suddenly your body is covered with goosebumps ...

Scientists have been researching for many years what happens in the brain when we get goosebumps from music - usually such a reaction is associated with some kind of a specific place in a particular composition.

This reaction is individual.
It turned out that goosebumps from music are associated with such areas as the tonsil, islet lobe and thalamus, which are responsible for the pleasure. This may be associated not only with music, it touches any pleasure.
Therefore, if the music causes a take reaction in you, then listening to these compositions will have a beneficial effect on the work of your brain and the whole body.
What kind of music to listen to for right influence?

Of course, no one will drive you into the framework, strictly determining what to listen to and what not. We are all familiar with world music composers, from classical music to rock.
Psyche of each person will require an individual approach. Here you need to take into account the temperament of each individual person, and his mood at one time or another, and even the time of day when you listen to music.
What is useful to listen to everyone, and the baby and the old man? Firstly, the classics. True, it is not for everyone in strength. Bach's organ fugues, Chopin’s minor works, are considered operas to be difficult to perceive, they can disturb, irritate, excite, etc. But if you like music of this format, listen to your health.
Of course, it is better to start acquaintance with classical music, if you are not already familiar with it, not from symphonies, but from simple plays, for example. Beginners usually take Mozart, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Schumann well. It is important to monitor the reaction of one’s state to a work. After all, what one likes may not please another.
This does not mean at all that in the house any music should be excluded, except for classics or sounds of nature. We are only talking about such things as the characteristics of the perception and influence of music on the brain of a person.
Even if someone loves hard rock, why not? Listen to what gives you joy. After all, then your body will secrete harmonies of happiness and joy, and this is good for absolutely any person.
Music and children
Music is not taught much at school, most often it is one lesson per week.
A growing number of studies prove that music activates many of the areas of the brain that are involved in the perception of speech, remembering and storing information, thinking and many other brain functions that contribute to achieving success in the life of any of us.
As it turned out, music also benefits children at any age, not only socially but also emotionally.
Many scientists, many years ago, used neuropsychological methods and measured how the brains of adolescents participating in an experiment perceived and reacted to speech after listening to musical works.
Scientists have suggested that adolescents are the most interesting focus group for such an experiment, since the brain continues to actively develop in adolescence.
Therefore, by the end of the experiment, when scientists made control measurements, all respondents improved their performance many times, but the difference was the most interesting: children who often listen to music develop faster and more intensively than those who do not.